Healthy Voices

Des voix en santé sur le blogue d'Angélique Desjardins Musique

Healthy Voices

The vast majority of people think when it comes to singing, you just have it, or you don’t. We all have American Idol to thank for spreading this urban myth, but it couldn’t be further from the truth.

Like ANYTHING else, developing one’s voice and keeping it healthy is a commitment that requires focus, consistency and hours of practice. You have to put in the time and effort to achieve anything close to beautiful sound. Even those wunderkind singers, who have never taken a formal vocal lesson in their lives, spend hours of time on informal training. Whether they are singing in their bedrooms or churches, it’s still training. Albeit less formal, but the hours clocked are there. Don’t let anyone or any reality show fool you into thinking that someone just opens their mouth once or twice and the angels sing. It is a bold-faced lie. No other skill in life is exempt from the grit and grind required to achieve mastery. Why would the voice be any different? Because it’s just singing and we all have a voice, so it should be easy? Nope, not true.

If we are lucky enough to have a voice with which to make sound, then technically, all of us can sing. That is to say, if your goal is to sing in your car on the commute to work, or in the shower, then heck ya, don’t listen to me for another second. But, for those who are looking to up their vocal game and/or keep their voice healthy, well then that is a different story. The truth is, the voice is the hardest instrument to practice at home and to take care of. It is difficult to play the piano AND keep one’s focus on vocal technique.

Singing and vocal health are serious business, but a good teacher and dedication can stack the cards in your favour. You will get more traction out of practice by being guided, especially in the beginning. Coaches are critical to any type of development, and a solid vocal coach is no exception. A weekly lesson is recommended, but sometimes even that can feel difficult for a variety of reasons. If we have a training video at home with guided exercises and important cues, it can improve the quality of our practice, moving the needle more quickly as we develop. Are you flirting with the idea of learning how to sing? Having an affordable option to explore in the comfort of your preferred time and space is an excellent way to try. It is impossible to tell after just one or even two classes if you have talent to work with, or if you even like learning how to sing. Our guided vocal warm-up is a great tool to help you discover if singing is for you. I have been warming up with the same vocal exercises for years because they are tried and true, keep me growing as a singer, and most importantly, keep my voice healthy.

Inside my guided vocal warmup, we will explore the breath and essential exercises in achieving goals for your voice. Among them, we learn about lip trill exercises (affectionately known as buzzing exercises). Lip trill exercises in their many variations are the fastest way to warm up your voice and protect it from harm. If you are tired or experiencing vocal fatigue, lip trills are your go-to remedy.

Like achieving good health of any kind, the concepts are simple, but the commitment and discipline required are complex. A good coach is invaluable for creating the structure, encouragement and guidance you need to reach your goals. EVERYBODY wants to know how to sing better, so jump in and give it a try! It is a win-win on your creative journey.

Head over to and grab yourself a copy from our shop. Angelique Desjardins Musique aims to help you raise artists, raise kids, and try to live your best life. Come and find us on Instagram and Facebook, and join the ride.

Happy singing!

Amor y AlegriaXO
