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October 30th, 2018

To whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter of recommendation for Angelique Desjardins and the program she presented at Crestview Elementary school in the spring of 2018. This was a program designed to teach the benefits of physical ac8vity and encourage more movement in school.

The program presented by Ms. Desjardins was engaging and the effects con8nued beyond the presentation day. The choice of music was important as it remained a class favorite long aLer the workshop had passed, and it prompted ongoing conversations about the language (Swahili), the country of origin, and questions about how to dance to this music. The curiosity about another culture was a pleasant side effect of the movement project which spilled over into class for some time.

Ms. Desjardins was able to adapt her presentation style to suit the various needs of each classroom and as a result the message was well-received by the students. She was knowledgeable and able to answer student questions about the material presented in an enthusiastic manner, encouraging student curiosity and boosting energy.

In closing, I would look forward to similar programs created and presented by Ms. Desjardins as the experience was motivating and had multiple long-lasting positive effects in the classroom.


Sheila Lindsay
Crestview Elementary School